Freestyle Class of 2022 Senior Spotlights


Meet the Class of 2022!

Olivia Greenberg

Liv, as she is affectionately known around FDA, is one of the studio’s longest tenured dancers, having been with Freestyle for over seven years. She is naturally artistic, also enjoying painting along with dance. Liv has participated in many of FDA’s biggest performances as an FDA Company member and captain, from Sixers to Youth Fest.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am attending West Chester University to major in biology.

Do you have any plans that involve dance?
I want to join one of the dance clubs at WCU.

What is your best FDA memory?
All the performances with the FDA Company

What will you miss most about FDA?
I will miss all of my teachers and all of the opportunities that dancing here has given me.

How long have you been dancing with FDA?
I’ve been dancing at FDA for over 7 years.

Favorite Food?

A Note from FDA: Liv, it really won’t be the same without you around the studio. It has been such a privilege and honor to watch you grow up from the little girl who first walked through our doors, to the young woman you have become today. Aside from your love of dance, be sure to hold on to the confidence and work ethic you have developed here at FDA. Those two qualities will carry you farther than you could ever imagine. Walk into any classroom or job as if it is a stage, and own it with the same smile and light that you do when you perform. Work as hard on any task, relationship or goal as hard as you have your dances over the years, and you will see the same growth and accomplishment that you have experienced within these walls. Chase your dreams, and conquer the world. You will always have a home here, and we can’t wait to see what you do out there.

“The secret is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It’s then, only then, that you’ll find Wonderland…” – Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland


Ria Naik

Ria joined the FDA family in 2018, and has enjoyed making many friends at FDA. After being inspired by Ms. Ali’s choreography during her first year of dance, Ria hopes to continue dancing at one of the hip-hop clubs at Penn State.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to attend Penn State in biotechnology.


Do you have any plans that involve dance?

I am hoping to join a couple of hip-hop dance teams at PSU.


What is your best FDA memory?

My favorite FDA memory was definitely my first showcase with Ali’s choreography; it inspired me to continue dancing and led me to where I am now.


What will you miss most about FDA?

I will definitely miss seeing everyone (staff/students) at FDA the most.


How long have you been dancing with FDA?

I have been dancing with FDA for 4 years now.


Besides dance, what are some of your interests & hobbies?

My other hobbies include baking, painting, and makeup.


Favorite Famous Person (Actor, Superhero, Book Character…anyone!)

My favorite famous person is Doja Cat.


Favorite Music? (Artist, Style, etc.)

My favorite music is either R&B or rap music.

Favorite Food?

Buffalo wings with ranch.


Best High School Memory:

My best high school memory was the tent sleepovers I would have at my friend Rachel’s house. We would all just talk all night and eat food, and I will always remember them fondly.

From Ria: I am really grateful for my time at FDA and Ali’s dedication to making me the best version of myself. I am really going to miss class and seeing everyone 🙂

A Note from FDA: Ria, we could not be more proud of the young woman you have become.  We have not only watched you grow as a dancer, but also as a confident young lady. Your intelligence and kindness will be qualities that take you far in life. We have seen you apply them on the dance floor, now we can’t wait to see what you do in your next chapter. You will always have a family and home here at FDA. Be sure to visit! 

“Learn from every mistake because every experience, encounter, and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are. And then figure out what is the next right move. And the key to life is to develop an internal moral, emotional G.P.S. that can tell you which way to go.” — Oprah


Gina Rizzo

Gina is another one of Freestyle’s longest residents. She has been a member of the FDA Company, along with participating in various studio performances. She has been around for some of FDA’s biggest moments, and has become a staple of Ms. Ali’s hip-hop class.

What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to attend West Chester University for a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and then attend law school.

Do you have any plans that involve dance?
I want to try out for West Chester’s dance team.

What is your best FDA memory?
Being a member of the Company, and the entire Youth Fest experience.

What will you miss most about FDA?
The FDA teachers and classmates.

How long have you been dancing with FDA?
About 8 years

Besides dance, what are some of your interests & hobbies?

Going to the beach, shopping, and spending time with friends, family, and pets.

Favorite Famous Person (Actor, Superhero, Book Character…anyone!)
Justin Bieber

Favorite Music? (Artist, Style, etc.)

Favorite Food?

Best High School Memory:
Senior Homecoming

From Gina: I would like to say thank you to all of her GDA teachers. She is truly going to miss them!

A Note From FDA: Gina, we will miss you too! It has been such a privilege watching you grow up, and playing a small role in that. We will miss the way your smile lights up a room, and watching you rock the dance floor! From class dance videos to performances, it won’t be the same without you. We are so proud of all the things you continue to accomplish, and know there will be many more. You will always be part of our FDA Family!

“You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that writes the story that you were meant to tell.” — Kerry Washington


Ethan Steinberg 

What are your plans after graduation?
I am attending Temple university and majoring in

Do you have any plans that involve dance?
I plan on trying out for the 76rs flight squad

What is your best FDA memory?
The artistry unfolded performances

What will you miss most about FDA?
The people here are very swag and I’m going to
miss joking around with everyone between

How long have you been dancing with FDA?
Since 3 rd grade with a couple gaps in between

Besides dance, what are some of your interests & hobbies?

I like to trick, do karate, skateboard, and I love

Favorite Famous Person (Actor, Superhero, Book Character…anyone!)
Tyler the creator

Favorite Music? (Artist, Style, etc.)
Rap and pop

Favorite Food?
Moes nachos

Best High School Memory:
Driving around with friends and blasting music or
riding bikes during the summertime

A Note from FDA: Ethan, one of the best things that can happen to us is when a student leaves and then comes back. It means we have created a home here at Freestyle. We are beyond impressed with the young man you have become today. Your work with youth, your involvement in your community and your development as a dancer. We can’t wait to see the path life takes you, and the joy you bring to it. The focus & commitment you bring to your dance and your karate will be what helps you achieve anything you wish to in adulthood. Go out and take over the world! Go Owls!

“Don’t be afraid of fear. Because it sharpens you, it challenges you, it makes you stronger; and when you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self.”—Ed Helms


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